“The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.”
- Alvin Toffler. Writer, Futurist, Businessman (1928-2016)
Understanding and embracing the learning, unlearning and relearning journey is essential for the workforce in the disability sector, which is currently undergoing the most significant transformation since deinstitutionalisation. There is much to unlearn about traditional service-driven practice and much to relearn about person-driven practice and its alignment with the Enabling Good Lives approach.
Interactionz is proud of its learning culture. Its philosophical and financial investment in research and development lead to my first project with Interactionz in 2008 – to complete a scoping report on ‘person-driven practice’. That document captured our ‘current best thinking’ at that moment about what person-driven practice was and how it could be implemented into our organisation’s delivery of services.
In the ten years since I wrote that report, we have deepened our understanding of the philosophy that underpins the practice, articulated most succinctly in the Lightest Touch principle, and integrated the Enabling Good Lives principles (published in 2011) into the practice.
What we have learned, unlearned and relearned along the way is the content of our evolving training offerings:
The Art of Community Mentoring contains our current best thinking on how to create opportunities for persons to explore and experience a self-defined and self-determined good life.
The suite of Visual Processes workshops covers the general principles of graphic facilitation for enhanced communication and planning, as well as training in the facilitation of the tools PATH and MAP, and Interactionz’s own process FOCUS.
The Change Management workshops are guides for taking the team with you as you transform your service
We’re happy to share our learning journey with anyone who is interested in joining us!
Author: Janelle Fisher, Quality Practice Leader (2008 - 2020)