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A learning journey with a difference...

At Interactionz we deliver learning experiences to community organisations to develop your team’s skills and improve the way your organisation delivers services, so the people you serve can live a more rewarding life as part of the community. 

By educating others we spread those benefits to the largest number of people, in the shortest possible time.


Our Certified Adult Teachers know how to keep learners interested and engaged, using generative learning models that are a far cry from a traditional classroom approach.  We love what we do and that can be pretty infectious when we train people.  It’s as important to us that learners come away feeling excited and motivated about their learning experience, as it is to impart the skills and processes that support it.


Our focus is on sharing practical, useful skills that support learners to enhance their own practice, giving them the confidence to take what they've learned and make it their own. The skills and knowledge that learners acquire build on the great work they are already doing. All of our workshops include active participation and functional learning activities to support the embedding of learning. 


Our courses are vibrant and inclusive. Our learning experiences draw on the collective wisdom that sits within the room and support the drawing out of individual perspectives and experiences. Regardless of which course is chosen, we're focused on creating a real shift in thinking and practice, and how to make sustainable change for your people and your organisation.

Our principles for learning...

Values-based Practice - Our values sit below the surface, just as the roots sit below the plant. We do many things above the ground, but how we do them is actually determined by our personal values, our organisational values, and how we connect with the values of the person that we’re serving. Interactionz's facilitated learning experiences provide opportunities to gain insight into who we are and what we bring to practice, as well as learning and respecting what is important to the person we are working with.

Capacity Learning - Capacity Learning starts from the idea that we’re already doing a whole lot of stuff that’s working. It is drawn from a strengths-based position where we recognise all of the great things we are already doing in our practice and are simply finding ways to do more of what works. 

Te Ako - This is a fantastic concept that has been gifted to us from Māori. Te Ako is the idea of reciprocity; it recognises the reciprocity between the roles of teacher and learner and that each person has an expertise so the roles shift. In Interactionz's facilitated learning experiences we take turns at sharing what we know and receiving from others what they know. Everybody knows something, nobody knows everything, but together we know most things. The way that one learner sees the world will differ from the way that another learner sees the world, but when you learn with us we put all of our contributions together, sift and sort, and the learner takes what works for them.

We look forward to learning with you soon!

“The atmosphere created by the facilitators was very non-judgmental in every way. There were no egos in the room to get in the way. It was presented simply and I grasped the concepts. When I questioned a point, the facilitators answered the question or query honestly and I was never made to feel like I was stupid at any time. They created a space I believe we felt safe in. Well done!!”

- Training participant

"What a pleasure it was to meet you [Janelle], Danielle and Danae. You all ran an amazing and upbeat program that was both useful to us and made sure we had full comprehension of the process (nothing like having it done to you to fully understand it right!?). Thanks for your amazing hospitality and everything you taught us." 

- Gaby Hyland, Barnardos

“Thank you for your professionalism, positive reinforcement and facilitation of the PATH training during the 3 days. It was a privilege to share this journey with you both and the staff in attendance. Will definitely keep in the touch. Some of the staff have already started their journey (exercising), which is awesome.” 

- Tatai Allen, Ngati Ranginui Iwi Society Inc

“I enjoyed the time taken to be reflective of our practice as a team. I enjoyed the various tools and frameworks that we discussed and the benefits of using them with the people we support were made very evident. I enjoyed the interactive nature of the training, being able to hear from my colleagues about their ideas and thoughts around different aspects of community mentoring.”

- Training participant