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Community Mentoring

​Community Mentoring is about enabling you to grow into your potential – your own, self-determined, vision of a good life.

We won’t tell you what that should look like, or how to get there.  Our job is to support you to figure it out for yourself, then support you as you work towards it, step by step.

How we work

Helping you determine what’s important to you. What goals would you like to achieve and what are the steps that will take you there? We use uniquely engaging planning tools, like PATH, MAP, FOCUS and Te Whare Tapa Whaa to help you visualise and plan.

Working with you as you develop the skills, confidence and support network to work through each step. This happens at a speed you’re comfortable with and has an emphasis on helping you build meaningful relationships that support you. You’ll have as much, or as little, input from us as you’d like. It’s up to you to determine what level is right for you.

Stepping Back
All going to plan, by this stage we’ve worked ourselves out of a job as you’re ready to carry on with just your natural support network. It’s a eureka moment for all of us. Unless of course you’ve decided you’d like to tackle another goal with your mentor, in which case we start again at the beginning.

Visual Planning

​PATH, MAPS and FOCUS are graphic facilitation tools for ‘big picture’ and whole of life planning for individuals and their family/whānau.

Each tool involves a co-facilitated process to develop a comprehensive plan in pictorial form that explores an individual’s aspiration for a good life and identifies action steps to achieve positive and possible outcomes.

The graphic facilitation process means that the PATH, MAPS and FOCUS planning tools are accessible for all persons, regardless of communication abilities, and they promote the principles of Enabling Good Lives.

Transition from school

Interactionz provides a person-driven transition from school service to explore what is available to you once you leave school.

With our 50-year experience providing services in the Hamilton community we will ensure that you and your family/whānau are fully informed about all of your options for post-school life – catered to your personal aspirations and goals.

With our Transitions Service we offer you:

  • Person-driven transition plan led by you and your family/whānau, using tried-and-true visual planning tools
  • Support you need to explore all your options

Are you eligible for our Transitions Services? 

You are eligible if you:

  • Are aged between 16 and 21
  • Receive Ongoing Resourcing Scheme (ORS) funding
  • Are in your last year of secondary or tertiary study

If you are ready to transition from school, our mentors are ready to walk the journey with you.

ACC Living My Life

Interactionz provides a person-driven facilitated Facilitated Pathway Map

The Living My Life service is a specialised service to support ACC clients. It has been designed to give people choice and control over their own life.

Interactionz is a contracted supplier to ACC Living My Life for the component of Facilitated Pathway Map. We work directly with individuals and their family/whanau referred from ACC, as well as through other community service agencies.

You are eligible if you are assessed and referred by ACC as benefiting from this service.

If you would like to know more about ACC Living My Life, contact us or your local ACC Branch.

What customers say...

"Interactionz people have helped me with my PATH plan and Danae has helped me with learning how to bus safely. She also helped me with volunteering at school and kindy and helped show me what I could do to help the children."

- Katie

"Blossom was isolated to her home, she would make small journey’s to the local shop but that was as far as her confidence would take her.    Since being with Interactionz and with the wonderful help from Danae and her one on one support, Blossom has achieved so much.  She now: attends arts and craft in town; catches the bus independently; is more aware of how to use her money; volunteers at the local library and after school care; socialises at least 2-3 times a week; meets with friends for lunch; is more aware of her environment and what is right and wrong. Blossom is now independent with all her socialising, she is making decisions independently and taking control of her life.  She is no longer isolated which has been a huge relief for her whānau...Because of what you have achieved with Blossom, her relationship with mum has grown and is healthy. She has more energy - she just goes off and does her own thing.

"Thank you to Interactionz and Danae for their lovely work and time."

- Rupia, sister of Blossom 

“The staff are cool and awesome. They’ve helped me learn to read, to write, to catch the bus, how to get to my jobs, and how to cook. I like that I’m now catching the bus by myself, because I’m capable to do that.” 

– Renae

"My son Sam became part of Interactionz at 17 years old after leaving Patricia Ave School. Sam is now 22 years old and has grown in leaps and bounds since being part of Interactionz...Sam has amazing staff across both day and Residential Service that makes the going easy...I have no problem in recommending Interactionz and recommend families go see what they can offer your family member."

- Lorraine, mother of Sam

“Interactionz has a good team. Staff are friendly and I can book meetings with them if I need to. I have started working hard at the gym to keep up my fitness. I’m stronger, and I get to meet other people.”

- Stephanie

"Interactionz supported Katie with her PATH plan. This was a very worthwhile exercise and Katie often refers to it and has a great sense of achievement when  she meets her goals. She particularly loved Paula's drawings as she is very visual. The whole day Katie felt that she was in charge and making grown up decisions.

"We are incredibly fortunate to have had Danae as a support person and mentor. She visited and we set goals and she followed up with emails. Danae organised times with the teachers that Katie could volunteer at school and kindy...Danae also organised Katie to go to the Computer Wintec Course which she is  still attending twice a week. We are thrilled that Danae trained Katie up to catch the bus to/from Wintec twice a week, she has done this independently ever since."

- Lynette, mother of Katie